
  • Name: Vinicius Gazolla Boneto
  • Role: Write some codes
  • From: Videira - Brazil
  • Contact: [email protected]

I am currently a junior full stack developer, where I develop internal systems and complete websites for companies in the region. In my professional development the main technology I used and use is javascript/typescript, both in creating graphical interfaces that follow UX/UI concepts, and in development of web services that follow REST architecture. Im always looking for new horizons knowledge about other/new technologies that arouse my interest.


  • NodeJS (JS, TS)
  • Clean Architecture
  • Python
  • Go
  • SQL, NoSQL


  • ReactJS
  • CSS; Tailwind...


  • React Native


Health department

Ago 2019 - Ago 2021 | Videira, SC

User support, maintenance of computers and printers.

Skoretech Soluções em Tecnologia LTDA

Ago 2021 - Now | Videira, SC

Development of complete systems for business management.


Turing machine

Turing machine simulator (College work). I don"t really remember how it works

N queens hill climbing

Solving the problem of 8 queens on a chessboard using hill climbing search algorithm

GO SQL Builder

SQL Builder for gorm lib in golang

Microservices implementation

Book management system with microservices